Bend Oregon Professional Head Shot Photographer

Makayla Zurn | Headshots | Professional Photographer Bend Oregon

As promised from my “Sneak Peak” post back in May, I have posted more images from my time photographing Makayla Zurn from News Channel 21, Bend Oregon for her new headshots. Makayla is not only beautiful and very photogenic, she is kind and very easy going (the absolutely perfect combination for a photographer). Keep an eye on this girl; she’s a big deal!

For her head shots, we wanted to have multiple “looks” to have variety in her portfolio. We LOVED shooting at The Oxford Hotel’s 10 Below Restaurant and Bar for the first part of her shoot. It’s sleek and classy, and gave a beautiful backdrop for Makayla’s images. Later, we went to an alley that will look quite familiar to the locals here Bend, Oregon. It’s graffiti-ed with some chalk artwork, spreading love and beauty to the brick backdrop and was a great spot for a more casual look for Makayla. The soft, natural light worked great in this spot too, showing her classic, flawless beauty quite nicely.

For more examples of my work, please check out my website at or stay where you’re at and click through the previous posts! It’s fun, I promise!

Professional Head Shot Photographer Bend

Makayla Zurn Headshots Professional Photography Bend Oregon

Headshots  Professional Photographer Bend

Professional Head shots Central Oregon Photographer

Bend Oregon Professional Business Photographer

Professional Head Shot Photographer Bend

Headshots | Bend Oregon Photographer

Headshots | Bend Oregon Photographer

Recently I was asked by friend, entrepreneur and owner of Central Oregon Athlete, Josh Cordell to photograph some new headshots for him. I chose a location with soft, natural light to photograph him in with a nice background to blur out for added intrigue. Below are two of my favorites.

After recieving his images, Josh had this to say…  “I couldn’t believe that I was able to meet Paula downtown and have the photos taken and on my computer that morning. I was blown away by that kind of speed and quality.”

oregon professional head shots