Artule Red Hill Cape Town South Africa Photo Journalism Photographer

Africa Oh Africa

After spending 6 months on a trip
around the world, the last three in Africa, my eyes have been open to the opportunities to help others less fortunate. My husband and I spent those 3 months working in a township called Red Hill, living amongst the Xhosa people. Yes, we lived in a “squatter camp” in a shack, and loved every moment of it… well, almost. We were able to help the people living there rebuild their homes after a huge fire that destroyed all of what meager possessions they had. Our team built 79 homes in 2 short months and witnessed changes in people that last a lifetime. Here are a couple images of the faces I saw on a daily basis. Unforgettable!

Our Neighbor Zimbabwean refugee S.A. Professional Photographer

Red Hill Post 2008 Fire South Africa Photo Journalism Photographer

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